Healthy Skin Month – Is Your Teen Using the Right Skin Care Products?

Here’s What Nurse Practitioner, Emily, has to say…

Healthy Skin and YOU

It can be so overwhelming to walk the skincare aisle. There must be a thousand products! Not to mention the endless videos on TikTok on skincare. No, you do not need hyaluronic acid at age twelve! So what is really needed for healthy skin?

First, washing your face is so important! I recommend washing your face twice daily with a gentle facial cleanser. Cerave and Cetaphil are great brands to start with. Follow with a light moisturizer. Be sure to wash your face gently; aggressive scrubbing just irritates the skin further. Be sure when choosing makeup and other skin products to look for products that are “non-comedogenic.”

If still having acne breakthroughs, try selecting a face wash or spot treatment with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These can be drying, so try adding them every other night at first and then building up to daily.

Still struggling to get clear skin? No problem! We love to take care of your skincare needs. Phillips Pediatrics offers a range of acne treatments, including topical and oral medications for acne flares to daily preventative medications. We’d love to help your teen feel their best!